
From Falling Flat To Flat Whites: How The Banking Industry Is Harnessing Connectivity To Keep Pace 与 Consumer Demand

Bad customer service is a ubiquitous complaint in every industry, and banking is no exception.

最近 埃森哲的研究 发现近三分之二(66%)的消费者想要更快, 更便捷的银行服务, while eight in 10 would bank with a tech giant such as Amazon or Google if they felt their bank was unable to deliver on digital services.

The consumer desire for service innovation is being exploited by a number of disruptors—with big impacts for the market stalwarts. 例如, Monzo现在是英国增长最快的银行, 在不到18个月的时间里获得了超过200万的客户. 相反,许多家喻户晓的品牌正在失去客户.

Keeping pace with consumer expectations is critical for banking leaders seeking an edge over the competition. 投资于最新的人工智能客户服务, 到最新的网络技术, banks that are harnessing the power of connectivity to revolutionise the customer experience are cleaning up.


已经有了 2900家英国银行分行关闭 在过去的三年里. 然而,一个 最近的调查 of people from 17 different countries found an overwhelming preference for opening a new account at a physical branch over digital channels.

而不是关闭它们, banks need to use technology to transform branches and attract customers in new and engaging ways.

Capital One famously led the way in bringing its branches into the digital era, 当时它推出了第一资本咖啡馆,顾客可以在那里放松一下, 享受一杯咖啡,快速安全地访问互联网. 访客可以在几分钟内建立新账户, 而ipad和触摸屏则可以让客户参与金融课程. It’s the perfect example of a bank reframing the in-branch experience—focusing on education and leisure to add value for customers.

回到英国, B, 这是一家由Clydesdale和Yorkshire银行推出的基于应用程序的银行, 正在做类似的事情. It recently opened a futuristic branch in Kensington – Studio B – a creative and interactive space boasting touchscreen ATMs and interactive screens showing webinars and educational presentations. Customers have freedom to use the space as they wish—to educate themselves about digital banking, 或者向员工寻求建议.

The Nottingham has taken this to the next level using smart connectivity to help customers search for and secure a mortgage agreement. 与维珍传媒合作, they have installed high definition video services across their entire network so customers can speak with a dedicated Nottingham Mortgage Services advisor on demand, 从任何分支.

以前, customers had to wait to speak with an in-branch advisor but now they can simply walk into their closest branch and speak with the next available advisor. This means less waiting for whole of market mortgage advice that puts customers one step closer to owning their dream home. 这种前瞻性的思考方法是 支付股息为诺丁汉号.


It’s not only about reimagining the physical branch—keeping up with customer demand is also about ensuring inbound queries are dealt with in an efficient, 无缝和同理心的方式.

与 五分之二的客户因为糟糕的体验而离开银行在美国,通过数字和电话渠道提供量身定制的服务至关重要. 其中一部分是投资于数字服务, but it’s also about retaining the human touch: sixty percent of great customer experiences are driven by human staff.

This might leave bank leaders wondering if they should push ahead with digital investment, 或者把责任留给客户服务代理?

The answer to the conundrum is striking a balance between automation and human interactions— and advancements in voice technology are making that possible. 使用自然语言处理来分析客户的语音模式, artificial intelligence can assess the individual’s emotional state and make real-time recommendations to call centre agents.

让这些人工智能系统工作, 通过云服务实现可扩展支持的能力至关重要. Contact centres are being transformed by smart cloud services – capable of making voice assistants and chatbots faster and more responsive to customer needs. 随着客户期望的不断飙升, these systems are going to be vital in ensuring banks make the most of automation.


然后是支持增长的问题. A growing bank will inevitably need to deal with more customers and will require flexible networks and systems in place to scale and adapt. Managed SD-WAN services allow banks to rapidly scale and alter their networks in line with their needs—meaning they can quickly adapt to periods of high demand and better support growth ambitions. This not only helps them adapt to change – it also provides resilient and secure networks that help avoid costly and damaging outages.


满足客户需求是件复杂的事情. In the digital era when customers can switch financial services with a touch or swipe of their smartphone screen, 获得正确的客户体验是至关重要的.

That demands innovative new services as well as stable infrastructure to keep customers connected. 为了实现这一目标,银行需要审视自己的基础设施. 他们的网络可扩展吗?? 他们是否有能力足够快地处理数据以满足业务需求? If those networks haven’t been upgraded in several years, then the answer is likely ‘no’.

That’s why it’s so important that banking leaders stay in touch with the latest developments in connectivity – whether that’s improving the in-branch experience, revolutionising contact centres or investing in the networks needed to support their growth. A relentless focus on end-to-end digital services is the only way to excel in the digital age.
